After dabbling a little bit on day 1, I dedicated some time on day 2 to skim through Go's language spec and standard libraries . A lot of it didn't have much relevance to me yet because I hadn't begun to play with those parts of the language. What caught my eye though was that Go supports the \v escape (obviously no one at Google has read Stop the Vertical Tab Madness ). Welcome to 1963, folks. In addition to tweaking how loops are written, Go has augmented the traditional syntax of if and switch statements too. I don't see the enhancement providing as much benefit as I do with for . It's almost as if someone decided to let people move the placement of if up a statement earlier just to be different, and it certainly doesn't read well. x := recover() if x != nil { ... } vs if x := recover(); x != nil { ... } The list of available packages is rather impressive considering Go has been available for a year. Some packages are pretty standard, like math and...
The Blog of Timothy Boronczyk - running my mouth off one blog post at a time